Lake Trout Details

  • Water Type: freshwater
  • Latin Name: Salvelinus namaycush
  • Common Names: Togue, Forktail Trout, Great Lakes Trout, Grey Trout, Lake Char, Laker, Laker Trout, Mackinaw, Mackinaw Trout, Namaycush, Siscowet
  • Water Temp: 50 degrees but will venture into warmer tempatures
  • World Record: known to exceed 100 lbs
  • Last Modified By: baystateangler on 04/29/15 03:40 AM
  • Ask about Lake Trout in our forum


Baits and Tackle for Lake Trout

Casting & Trolling Spoon;22 Check Prices

  • 3/4oz. Silver kastmaster

Dry Fly Check Prices

  • Caught using a March Brown

Streamer Check Prices

  • Giant pink wholly bugger
  • Giant green wholly bugger

Wet Fly Check Prices

Live Bait (Other) Check Prices

  • many caught on worms under a bobber. I like to use a H2O (sm) with 3 bb's in it and a 3' leader with a nihgtcrawler and cast it out and feel the line. p/u generally on the fall.
  • Perch work the best or Big Shinners
  • Big Kiva
  • Shinners
  • Big Shinner
  • Big Shinners
  • White suckers
  • Yellow Perch
  • Pike shinners, again

Other Check Prices

  • powwer bait and small red kastmaster
  • Power bait

In-Line Spinner Check Prices

  • Blue Fox Inline Minow

Soft Swimbait Check Prices

  • Baby Bass-Green Yamamoto Senkos

Nightcrawler Check Prices

  • trolling with a dodger and a nightcrawler. Kastmasters and Rapalas also

Minnow Check Prices

  • Desd suckers, smelts, and shiners 1ft off bottom
  • slip sinker rig
  • Medium shiner
  • fish med-heavy shiners on bottom, rig with 1/2oz non-lead egg sinker, 18" fluorocarbon leader to size 2-4 hook.

Lake Trout Description

Since last months issue of the NH fishing and hunting newspaper "Hawkeye", Nubanusit Lake in Hancock/Nelson NH has gotten a lot of fishing pressure due to the huge Lake Trout being held by a NH fish and Game officer in the picture at the top of the front page. Well, it paid off for Wayne Verill Jr. of Meredith, NH who caught that very fish through the ice on January 16th. The official weight was 24.08 pounds, with a girth of 21 3/4 inches and an overall length of 39 inches. The Laker was caught around noon, using a white Bucktail jig, 24 feet down. Wayne saw the trout suspended on his Vexilar, lowered his jig to the fish and was able to get it to hit. It took about a 1/2 hour to land the big Laker through the ice. The least colorful of the trouts, lakers are light green or grey, dark green, brown or almost black with irregular, lighter colored spots. They have a light underside leading edges of pectoral, pelvic, and anal fins that are reddish-orange with a narrow whitish margin. During the fall spawning season, the fins near the tail become a pale orange.

-Massachusetts State Record is 24 lbs 0 oz caught by Michael Sienkiewicz in 2004 at Wachusett Reservoir

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